August 26, 2018

Blythecon Russia in Moscow

Blythecon Russia

Blythecon Russia took place in Moscow and I am very happy to have participated in this event.
Many thanks to the organizers of Blythecon Russia for their warm welcome and such a perfect day !
I forgot to take a picture of my stall but here are some pictures of the collections you could find at my table:

Ursa major, Fox Jumpsuits and Forest Folklore dress sets in Blythe and Middie sizes,

Ursa Major

Fox playsuits

Forest Folklore

Forest Folklore

Forest Folklore Embroidery

Forest Folklore         Forest Folklore packagings

This special set was my donation to the raffle :

Donation for Blythecon Russia

Donation for Blythecon Russia

Wandering in Moscow...
The beauty of the city simply blew me away. What an amazing time we had !

In Moscow

In Moscow

In Moscow

In Moscow

In the streets of Moscow

And the loveliest little souvenirs I took home !

Souvenir from Moscow

Blythecon Russia 2018